Connecting the Dots . . .

       CMI-TV      Classes for Bereans

           In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11                    

Connecting the “Dots” of the Tabernacle and Temple

Class 12 Handout

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.            Revelation 21:3

Visions of God - Class Index

Both the tabernacle and temple on earth were to represent and demonstrate God’s _______________ upon the earth – Revelation 21:3

The First “dot” – Abraham’s Offering of Isaac

Two principles indicating that God would be present at the tabernacle and at the Temple.

1) The first principle is that the temple is to be a place of _______________________  – v. 2.

2) The second principle is that the temple is to be located in the place of God’s

          _________________________ – v. 14

The Second “dot” – God Designs the Temple

God’s place for His earthly presence _____________________ His heavenly presence - Hebrews 8:15.


1) the ___________________________ is at the throne of the Majesty in the heavens – v. 1.

2) this is the true tabernacle, which the Lord made and not man – v. 1.

3) the tabernacle on earth is merely an _________________________ of that in heaven – v. 5

4) the original tabernacle was God’s design and not man’s idea of a place of worship – v. 5.

The Third “dot” – the Wilderness Tabernacle

The Tabernacle’s three characteristics.

1) It was __________________________________.

2) It contained the Shekinah glory of God that was His __________________ on earth.

3) It was the _______________________ of Israel’s worship.

The Fourth “dot” – David Plans for a Temple

God’s plan for David was to be the _____________________ of the Temple, but he was not to be the _________________________________.  That task was for his son, Solomon – 1 Chronicles 28:9, 10.

The Fifth “dot” – The 1st Temple

God’s presence was now among His people, Israel – 1 Kings 8:10, 11.